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Bruker Nano Surfaces
Div. of Bruker Corp.
5255 E Williams Circle, Suite 2080
Tucson, AZ 85711
United States
Phone: +1 520-741-1044
Fax: +1 520-294-1799
Toll-free: +1 800-873-9750
Laser Imaging Microscope
Sep/Oct 2022
The HYPERION II FT-IR Laser Imaging Microscope from Bruker Corp. combines FT-IR microscopy with quantum cascade laser IR imaging for R&D purposes.
The system provides all three transmission, reflection, and attenuated total reflectance modes. Intuitive software allows seamless switching between FT-IR and QCL technology. With an imaging speed of 6 mm
²/s, vibrational microscopy benchmarks are set.
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