Full company details
Bruker Nano Surfaces
Div. of Bruker Corp.
5255 E Williams Circle, Suite 2080
Tucson, AZ 85711
United States
Phone: +1 520-741-1044
Fax: +1 520-294-1799
Toll-free: +1 800-873-9750
Nanomechanical Test System
Oct 2023COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 6, 2023 —

The Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter
® from Bruker Corp. is a nanomechanical testing system that includes a testing area of 200 x 300 mm. The TI 990 utilizes a Performech III controller, as well as advanced feedback control modes, nanoDMA IV dynamic nanoindentation, and XPM II high-speed mechanical property mapping. It also uses top-view sample navigation through TriboScan 12 software and a universal sample chuck. The product was made with the polymer research, alloy development, and semiconductor industries in mind.
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