Laser safety eyewear, barriers & signs, laser components, laser replacement parts, laser accessories, medical laser safety eye protection - find these LaserSmart® products and more in the
Kentek Laser Store.
Laser Safety
KENTEK offers a wide range of
laser safety products including over 500 types of
laser safety glasses and laser safety goggles,
laser curtains,
laser barriers, laser safety warning signs, laser safety windows and acrylic. In addition, KENTEK offers
laser safety training with courses for certification as Laser Safety Officer and advanced LSO training.
Watch our webinar:

Laser Components
KENTEK is your source for industrial
laser components, parts and services, including
laser optics, mirrors, protection disks,
laser rods, laser cavities, flow tubes,
flash lamps, filter slides and laser cavity replating.
Laser Accessories
• Need a
laser power meter,
beam dump, beam trap or beam block? KENTEK has it!
• Need
laser burn paper, try
Zap-It paper! KENTEK has it!
• Need an
infrared viewer, UV viewer, or View-It? KENTEK has it!