- Company: Midwest Optical Systems Inc. (MidOpt)
- Type: Filters
- Diameter / Dimension: 5mm - 79.5mm
- Filter Category: Other
- Applications: Astronomy, Biomedical/Medical, Communications, Industrial, Scientific Research, Other
- Useful Range: 395-638 nm
- Cut-Off Wavelength 50% T: 648 nm
- Peak Transmission: ≥90%
One of several dichroic filters offered mainly for use as an internal infrared blocking filter in color cameras. This design offers an attractive price/performance option. Uniform blocking of near-infrared wavelengths out to 1100 nm, uniformly high transmission across the visible range, and a 50% point in the middle of the red portion of the spectrum.
322 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine, IL 60067
United States
Phone: +1 847-359-3550
Fax: +1 847-359-3567