- Company: CODIXX AG
- Type: Filters
- Filter Category: Other
- Applications: Astronomy, Biomedical/Medical, Communications, Industrial, Military, Scientific Research, Other
- Laminated: 340 - 5,000 nm
- Thickness: 2.0 (+/- 0.2) mm
- Operating Temperature: -20° - +120° C
- raw filter is laminated between two additional glass substrates
- ground and polished
- wavefront distortion < Lambda/4 @633nm over an inspection diameter of 1cm
- beam-deviation < 1 arcmin.
- high mechanical stability
- laser damage threshold: 1 W/cm² for continuous block; 5 W/cm² for continuous pass
Steinfeldstr. 3
39179 Barleben
Phone: +49 39203 963 0
Fax: +49 39203 963 33