RPMC Lasers Inc is a leading laser distributor in North America. We offer only diode lasers, laser modules, diode and lamp-pumped lasers, and fiber lasers (no systems). We sell at the manufacturers' standard prices. We represent industry-leading firms located in the US, Europe, and Asia.
Our goal is to provide:
A technical staff with the in-depth knowledge of the products we offer,
Quality technical advice that permits informed customer decisions,
Responses to every inquiry, typically within a few business hours,
An attractive value proposition, the best laser at a fair price,
High-quality support after delivery.
Pulsed Lasers: Diode-pumped Solid-State (DPSS), Lamp-pumped, Fiber, and Microlasers/Microchip Lasers. These include femtosecond, <50 ps lasers for cold machining, >50 ps lasers for medical, material processing, military and custom applications, and a wide range of nanosecond lasers for machining, LIBs, seeding, marking, engraving, medical, lidar, ranging, etc.
• fs, ps, ns Lasers
• Fiber Lasers
• Microlasers/Microchip Lasers
• Flashlamp Lasers
• Mil-Spec Lasers
• OPO (Tunable) Lasers
• Custom Laser Solutions
• Laser Material Processing and Laser Micromachining
• LIDAR Lasers
• Laser Spectroscopy (LIBS and MALDI)
• Laser Designators, Laser Markers, Laser Illuminators
CW Lasers and Modules: CW (Continuous Wave) Lasers and Modules and Turnkey Systems in the UV, Visible, and Near Infrared. Free space and fiber coupled versions available. Diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) Lasers, Fiber Lasers, and Diode Lasers.
• SM/MM Lasers and Modules
• SLM Lasers and Narrow Linewidth LD Modules
• Multimode Wavelength Stabilized Laser Diode Modules
• Fiber Lasers
• Gas Sensing
• Confocal Microscopy, Flow Cytometry,
Fluorescence Excitation, Optogenetics
• Raman Spectroscopy, Microscopy,
Interferometry, Holography, Laser Ultrasonic

Laser Diodes: Diode laser products; single emitter multimode and single-mode laser diodes, laser diode bars and stacks, fiber coupled options on most devices and complete systems. Widest wavelength selection available in the industry.
• Multimode Laser Diodes
• Single-Mode Laser Diodes
• Laser Diode Bars and Stacks
• Raman Spectroscopy
• Fiber Laser Seeds and Pumps
• Illumination and Sensor Applications, Gesture Recognition, Low-speckle
• Gas Sensing
Laser Amplifiers: Diode-Pumped Solid-State (DPSS) and Fiber Amplifiers
• Fiber Amplifiers
• DPSS Amplifiers
Electronics - Drivers and Controllers
We offer a wide selection of electronics including standard benchtop laser diode drivers (this includes CW and pulsed drivers), OEM modules and PC board drivers, TEC controllers, and Pockel cell drivers.
• CW Laser Diode Drivers • QCW & Pulsed Laser Diode Drivers • Temperature Controllers • Pockels Cell Drivers

Heatsinks and Accessories: Laser Diode Heatsinks, Mounts, and Accessories for a broad range of laser diode packages including fiber coupled packages and TO-can packages.