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US States


276 suppliers

Fiber Optics & Accessories

Clear All Filters xFiber Optics & Accessories xArizona xCalifornia xColorado xHawaii xIdaho xMontana xNevada xNew Mexico xOregon xUtah xWashington x
Highland Technology Inc.
Highland Technology Inc. - San Francisco, CA
Provides precision analog measurement and signal generation, data acquisition and control instrumentation, pulse and picosecond timing delay generation, laser diode drivers, waveform generators, and fiber optic, photonics, and mixed technology products for demanding aerospace and defense, scientific, and industrial applications.
10 products
Ortel - Alhambra, CA
Designs and manufactures optoelectronic components and subassemblies for satellite communications, sensing, telecommunications, datacom, wireless, lidar, and broadband systems.
6 products
Micro Laser Systems Inc.
Micro Laser Systems Inc. - Garden Grove, CA
Manufacturer of free-space and fiber-coupled lasers with diffraction limited performance. Lasers from 350 to 2000 nm have accessories for expanding or focusing the beam, fiber collimators, fiber focusers, tiny collimators and splitters to integrate with the pigtailed lasers. Custom assemblies for OEM users are routinely made.
2 products
Ohara Corporation
Ohara Corporation - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Precision optical glass: strip, blanks, pressings, polished balls, near-UV transmitting i-Line glass, ceramic substrates, CaF2, UV/IR materials, quartz, fused silica (standard/excimer grade), Nanoceram. Ohara CCZ ultralow expansion (excellent CTE uniformity, blank form, to 1.8 m diam). Double-side polished substrates (low surface roughness, excellent flatness).
2 products
Wavelength Electronics Inc.
Wavelength Electronics Inc. - Bozeman, MT
Wavelength Electronics partners with high-tech researchers and developers to release innovative laser systems. With 30+ years of experience, we simplify low noise, stable QCL, laser diode, and thermal control, offering advanced, compact modules with instrument-level performance, engineering expertise, and responsive tech support.
5 products
Applied Scientific Instrumentation Inc.
Applied Scientific Instrumentation Inc. - Eugene, OR
Manufacturer of precise closed-loop XY stages, Z drives, piezo stages, and other precision positioning equipment; and light sheet microscopes and custom microscope/optics. Works directly with end users and OEMs to provide stock products and custom solutions. Products are designed for long life under demanding applications.
11 products
Opto Diode Corporation
Opto Diode Corporation - Camarillo, CA
Standard and custom photodetectors and high-quality VIS and IR LEDs. Our advanced performance sensors operate from the extreme ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. Photodetectors provide high-energy particle, electron, x-ray, and UV detection; plus excellent mid-IR sensitivity to discriminate gases, detect heat, sparks, and flames.
50 products
Rainbow Research Optics LLC
Rainbow Research Optics LLC - Centennial, CO
Manufacturer of precision optical components and high-power laser coatings from UV to IR. Stock and custom optics: lenses, beamsplitters, filters, windows, mirrors, wave plates, large wedges, prisms, and many more. In-house custom coatings: AR, high reflection, dichroic, and polarizing. Optics from 4 mm to 16 inches.
3 products
BAE Systems Sensor Solutions
BAE Systems Sensor Solutions - San Jose, CA
BAE Systems wholly owns Fairchild Imaging, a designer and manufacturer of low-light, sCMOS, and x-ray sensor designs. We specialize in design, development, and manufacture of high-performance image sensors for defense, security and surveillance, space, scientific; medical, dental, veterinary x-ray; industrial, and pro-video markets.
10 products
Bruker Nano Surfaces
Bruker Nano Surfaces - Tucson, AZ
Extensive suite of application-focused instrumentation for life sciences and materials research and production covers the full range of metrology techniques, sample sizes, and imaging resolutions. Technologies include AFMs, NanoIR spectrometers, fluorescence microscopes, stylus and optical profilers, mechanical testers, and nano-indenters.
13 products
Diverse Optics Inc.
Diverse Optics Inc. - Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Diverse Optics manufactures custom precision polymer optic components and assemblies. Core processes include injection molding, SPDT, optomechanical design, metrology, assembly, bonding, and thin-film coating. Transforms optical systems from expensive, heavy, and complicated to commercially viable, lightweight, and simple.
1 product
Fermionics Opto-Technology
Fermionics Opto-Technology - Simi Valley, CA
Manufacturer of InGaAs detectors in TO, connectorized, ceramic mount, or pigtailed packages. Active diameters range from 30 microns to 5 mm. Array products include InGaAs linear arrays and fiber ribbon arrays.
1 product
Intlvac Thin Film Corp.
Intlvac Thin Film Corp. - Fort Collins, CO
Manufactures systems for physical vapor and diamond-like carbon deposition, R&D and production coating of optical components, sensors, and plastics. Provides process development for sputtering, ion-beam sputtering and etching, and ion-assisted evaporation.
4 products
Lambda Research Optics Inc. (USA)
Lambda Research Optics Inc. (USA) - Costa Mesa, CA
Lambda Research Optics manufactures catalog and custom lenses, mirrors, beamsplitters, windows, prisms, filters, and polarizers for defense, commercial, and medical laser applications. Lambda specializes in high-power coatings for excimer, YAG, fiber, CO2 lasers, and FLIR coatings. Precision polishing of CaF2, MgF2, BK7, fused silica, ZnSe, Ge, and Si.
79 products
Mundt & Associates Inc.
Mundt & Associates Inc. - Scottsdale, AZ
High-quality OEM manufacturer of standard and custom laser workstations, custom stages and micromachining systems with submicron accuracy. Applications for laser welding, cutting, and ablation. Key features are versatility, accuracy for high-volume product manufacturing requiring complex processes for aerospace, implantable medical devices, electronics, and more.
3 products
Precision Glass & Optics (PG&O)
Precision Glass & Optics (PG&O) - Santa Ana, CA
PG&O provides reliable, cost-effective, precision optics and commercial components from 0.040 in. to 30 in. diam., highly precise thin-film coatings, custom and standard components and turnkey optical solutions that operate from 0.2 to 15 microns. Delivering highly durable sapphire optics for broad-spectrum apps and finished IR optics for mission-critical tasks.
10 products
Radiant Vision Systems, Test & Measurement
Radiant Vision Systems, Test & Measurement - Redmond, WA
Develops integrated imaging solutions to enable automated visual inspection and measurement of light, color, and surfaces. Scientific-grade imaging colorimeters are used for production-quality inspection and R&D testing of displays, backlit components, LEDs, and other light sources, as well as overall manufacturing integrity.
21 products
Siskiyou Corporation
Siskiyou Corporation - Grants Pass, OR
Designs and manufactures precision catalog and custom optomechanical components, motorized and manual translation stages and related assembly hardware for OEM laser manufacturers, measurement and assembly applications, and research applications in physics, optics, semiconductor materials, chemistry, and the life sciences.
18 products
SmarAct Inc.
SmarAct Inc. - Berkeley, CA
SmarAct develops and produces solutions in the field of high-precision positioning, automation, and metrology. Since its foundation, SmarAct has grown from a small team of engineers to a group of companies with 200 highly qualified employees. Today, SmarAct can draw on years of experience and a passionate, customer-focused team.
3 products
Spectrum Scientific Inc. (SSI)
Spectrum Scientific Inc. (SSI) - Irvine, CA
Spectrum Scientific, Inc. (SSI) is a high volume manufacturer of aspheric and freeform mirrors, hollow retroreflectors, and holographic diffraction gratings. Our optical replication process allows us to supply high fidelity, highly repeatable precision optics.
3 products
Sutter Instrument
Sutter Instrument - Novato, CA
Manufactures precision devices for scientific research and industrial OEM. Products include optical beam combiners, high-power LED, xenon light sources, high-speed wavelength switchers and shutters, multi-photon microscopes, translation systems, motorized stages, manipulators, electrophysiology amplifier systems, and micropipette pullers.
1 product
Guernsey Coating Laboratories Inc. - Ventura, CA
Plasmaterials Inc. - Livermore, CA
3D Glass Solutions Inc. - Albuquerque, NM
3W PHOTONICS - Santa Monica, CA
Abbeon Cal Inc. - Ventura, CA
AC Photonics Inc. - Santa Clara, CA
Adamant Valves - Lake Forest, CA
AdSem Inc. - Mountain View, CA
AdValue Photonics Inc. - Tucson, AZ
Advanced Energy Industries Inc. - Denver, CO
Advanced Motion Controls - Camarillo, CA
Advanced Photonix - Camarillo, CA
Advanced Power Group Corp. - Alhambra, CA
AdvR Inc. - Bozeman, MT
AGC Electronics America - Hillsboro, OR
Allied High Tech Products Inc. - Cerritos, CA
Alpine Optoelectronics Inc. - Fremont, CA
American Elements - Los Angeles, CA
American Ultraviolet Inc. - Paramount, CA
AMETEK Programmable Power - San Diego, CA
Amuza Inc. - San Diego, CA
ANB Engineering - Sunnyvale, CA
Ancal Inc. - Henderson, NV
ANELLO Photonics - Santa Clara, CA
Anritsu Co., M3US - Morgan Hill, CA
AOM - Arizona Optical Metrology - Tucson, AZ
APIC Corp. - Culver City, CA
Apogee Instruments Inc. - Logan, UT
Aria Technologies Inc. - Livermore, CA

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