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LightTrans International GmbH
LightTrans International GmbH - Jena, Germany
LightTrans offers solutions for the entire development cycle of optical components where progressive simulation technology shows its advantages in designing optical components, complex systems, detailed modeling, and more. All products and services are based on the optical modeling and design software VirtualLab Fusion.
5 products
AEON Verlag & Studio GmbH & Co. KG, Image Processing - Hanau, Germany
AIM Infrared-Module GmbH - Heilbronn, Germany
AMA Service GmbH - Wunstorf, Germany
Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH - Erlangen, Germany
BOFA International Ltd. - Poole, United Kingdom
CBL Ceramics Ltd. - Milford Haven, United Kingdom
EPIC - European Photonics Industry Consortium - Paris, France
Euromarco - Annemasse, France
EV Group (EVG) - St. Florian am Inn, Austria
IDTechEx - Cambridge, United Kingdom
JMO Illumination Optics - Gauting, Germany
Laser Physics UK Ltd. - Cholmondeley, United Kingdom
Laser Protect - Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France
LASERVISION GmbH & Co. KG - Fuerth, Germany
Macnica ATD Europe SAS - Chatou, France
Meech International Ltd. - Witney, United Kingdom
Nexus Media Communications, ECOC Exhibitions - West Malling, United Kingdom
OEC GmbH - Zusmarshausen, Germany
Opticus - Clydebank, United Kingdom
Opton Laser International SA - Les Ulis, France
Pro-Lite Technology Ltd. - Cranfield, United Kingdom
PROTECT-Laserschutz GmbH - Nuremberg, Germany
Reconnaissance International Ltd. - Northumberland, United Kingdom
P.E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG, Optatec - Frickenhausen, Germany
Simco-Ion Netherlands - Lochem, Netherlands
Spetec GmbH - Erding, Germany
TEKA Extraction and Disposal Technology GmbH - Coesfeld, Germany
ULT AG - Loebau, Germany
UNIVET, Laser Safety - Rezzato, Italy
Vision Communications - Messkirch, Germany
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