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Fiber Optic Interferometers

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Opto-Alignment Technology Inc.
Opto-Alignment Technology Inc. - Indian Trail, NC
OATi is a leading manufacturer of ultra-precision alignment and metrology solutions for optical manufacturing. Our lens alignment system provides more versatility and is capable of less than 200-nm centering precision. Our QuickPRO metrology products offer high-speed, high-resolution surface scanning at a low price target.
Custom Manufacturer
Evanescent Optics Inc.
Evanescent Optics Inc. - Burlington, Canada
Manufacturer of polarization maintaining fiber optic couplers, WDMs, pump couplers, polarization splitters, interferometers, and noncontact displacement sensors.
Custom Manufacturer
1 product
attocube systems AG - Haar, Germany
Connected Fibers - Roswell, GA
Direct Optical Research Co. - Largo, FL
FIBERPRO Inc. - Daejeon, South Korea
fionec GmbH - Aachen, Germany
NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd., Microscopy - Oxford, United Kingdom
NanoMagnetics Instruments USA - Easton, PA
Promet Optics - Shoreview, MN
SemiProbe Inc. - Winooski, VT
SmarAct GmbH - Oldenburg, Germany
  • interferometer An interferometer is a scientific instrument that utilizes the principle of interference to measure differences in the path length, wavelength, phase, or amplitude of coherent electromagnetic waves. It typically consists of components such as a...
  • birefringence Birefringence is an optical property of certain materials that causes them to exhibit different refractive indices for light of different polarizations. In other words, when light passes through a birefringent material, it splits into two separate...
Fiber Optic Interferometers Suppliersinterferometers fiber opticinterferometers multimodeoptical fibersmodalbirefringencedifferential phase modulationsingle modelight beamopticstest & measurementmetrology

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