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< All CategoriesCamerasHigh-Definition Television Cameras


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5 suppliers

High-Definition Television Cameras

Clear All Filters xHigh-Definition Television Cameras xConnecticut xMaine xMassachusetts xNew Hampshire xNew Jersey xNew York xPennsylvania xRhode Island xVermont x
Advanced Imaging Concepts Inc. - Skillman, NJ
Hitachi Kokusai Electric America Ltd. - Southwick, MA
Kappa optronics Inc. - Grantham, NH
RMA Electronics Inc. - Hingham, MA
Vision Research Inc., Phantom Digital High-Speed Cameras - Wayne, NJ
  • camera A light-tight box that receives light from an object or scene and focuses it to form an image on a light-sensitive material or a detector. The camera generally contains a lens of variable aperture and a shutter of variable speed to precisely control...
  • television camera A camera containing an electronic image sensor that converts the image to an electronic signal suitable for television applications.
High-Definition Television Cameras Suppliershigh-definition television cameraHDTVhigh definition TV camerasimaging

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