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8 suppliers

Infrared Polarizers

Clear All Filters xInfrared Polarizers xConnecticut xMaine xMassachusetts xNew Hampshire xNew Jersey xNew York xPennsylvania xRhode Island xVermont x
American Polarizers Inc. - Reading, PA
Conoptics Inc. - Danbury, CT
Harrick Scientific Products Inc. - Pleasantville, NY
Innovation Photonics - Verona, NJ
Laser Components USA Inc. - Bedford, NH
REFLEX Analytical Corp. - Ridgewood, NJ
Specac Inc. - Pleasantville, NY
United Crystals Inc. - Port Washington, NY
  • infrared Infrared (IR) refers to the region of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths longer than those of visible light, but shorter than those of microwaves. The infrared spectrum spans wavelengths roughly between 700 nanometers (nm) and 1...
  • polarizer An optical device capable of transforming unpolarized or natural light into polarized light, usually by selective transmission of polarized rays.
Infrared Polarizers SuppliersIR polarizerwire gridIR rangeholographicoptics

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