CCD Camera
Teledyne Princeton InstrumentsRequest Info
The ProEM-HS:1KBX3-10μm electron-multiplying CCD camera from Princeton Instruments is a fast, high-resolution, 1-million-pixel device.
The ProEM-HS:1KBX3-10μm delivers 30 fps at full 1024 × 1024-pixel resolution and <1 e− rms effective read noise, all at 36.67 MHz readout speed. Its ultrafast custom CCD readout mode is specially designed to deliver >4800 fps with reduced region of interest, whereas its special kinetics mode delivers >119,000 spectra/s. Other advanced features of the camera include solid baseline stability and linear electron-multiplying gain control for precision photometry applications.
The ProEM-HS:1KBX3-10μm camera is cooled to <−70 °C, and its all-metal, hermetic vacuum seals carry a lifetime warranty. The camera also features the latest Gigabit Ethernet interface, allowing remote operation without the need for custom frame grabbers. High quantum efficiency and ultralow-noise electronics make the camera ideal for demanding low-light-level applications.
Published: June 2017
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