Fully Automated, High Performance Fluorescence Lifetime Spectrometer
PicoQuant GmbHRequest Info
The FluoTime 300 “EasyTau” is a fully automated and modular spectrometer for steady-state and time-resolved measurements.
The FluoTime 300 from PicoQuant is a fully automated, high performance fluorescence lifetime spectrometer with steady-state and phosphorescence option, containing the complete optics and electronics for recording fluorescence decays by means of Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) or Multichannel Scaling (MCS). The system is designed to be used with a variety of excitation sources such as picosecond pulsed diode lasers, supercontinuum lasers, LEDs or Xenon lamps, while multiple detector options enable measurements from UV to near infrared (NIR). The large multifunctional sample chamber of the FluoTime 300 can accommodate a wide variety of specialized, modular sample mounting units, allowing for easy and on-the-fly switching between mounting units. These mounting units include fully automated multicuvette revolver heads, sample holders with thermal stabilization via thermostats or Peltier coolers, front face holder with adjustable sample position and angle, and even cyrostats can be fully integrated into the system. This highly flexible system can achieve an extremely high sensitivity with a record breaking 26.000:1 water Raman signal-to-noise ratio. The powerful yet easy to use EasyTau system software controls all functions and settings of the FluoTime 300. A special feature are the application wizards that enable even novice users to obtain high quality fluorescence data.
The FluoTime 300 is a high performance fluorescence spectrometer ideally suited for studying steady-state and time-resolved luminescence characteristics of solid, powder, or liquid samples. This versatile instrument allows for a broad range of applications such as singlet oxygen, quantum yield, and fluorescence anisotropy measurements as well as performing material characterization and photochemistry experiments.
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