Inspire OPO
MKS/Spectra-PhysicsRequest Info
Tunable ultrafast OPO
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., June 9, 2009 – Newport Corp.’s Spectra-Physics Lasers Div. has introduced the Inspire optical parametric oscillator (OPO), a tunable, ultrafast laser source for advanced imaging and spectroscopy applications. Optimized for use with the company’s Mai Tai HP ultrafast laser, the Inspire delivers a wide, gap-free ultrafast tuning range, from the ultraviolet to the infrared (345 to 2500 nm), and high power in the UV and visible. It is fully automated for computer-controlled tuning across the range without adjustment or change of intracavity optics or crystals.
The device has multiple ports for simultaneous UV, visible and infrared output, making it suitable for applications that require multiple wavelengths, such as coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering imaging, time-resolved spectroscopy and advanced scientific research. Other applications include multiphoton excitation microscopy, vibrational overtone spectroscopy, semiconductor research and spectroscopy, multiple wavelength pump-probe experiments, and fiber optics and optical communications.
The oscillator delivers >1W of average power from 345 to 520 nm and >400 mW from 490 to750 nm. It provides pulse widths adjustable from 80 to 350 fs. Optimized for high stability, the robust instrument is insensitive to ambient temperature change.
Published: June 2009
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