LaCroix Cost Estimator
LaCroix Precision OpticsRequest Info
The LaCroix Cost Estimator provides an instant ROM estimate for prototype optics, assisting optical designers in achieving an estimate while designing their optics using Zemax OpticStudio. In addition to the ROM estimates, the LaCroix Cost Estimator provides feedback on manufacturability through error codes. Register today for the LaCroix Cost Estimator. LaCroix Precision Optics specializes in spherical lenses, aspheres, achromats, windows, wedges, prisms, and custom coatings.
Let LaCroix help bring your concept to an often under-budget realization in a matter of weeks. We process diameter ranges of 4 mm-150 mm+ and manufacture a wide variety of materials, including Schott & Ohara optical glass, fused silica, fused quartz, filter glass, and float glass. We coat in the working range of 250-2500 nm (High UV to SWIR), BBARs, V-Coats, High Laser Damage Resistance, Hydrophobic Coatings, Dielectric Mirrors, Beamsplitters, and Custom Coatings.
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