Optical Design Software
VPIphotonics GmbHRequest Info
BERLIN, June 16, 2015 — With modeling enhancements and usability improvements, VPIphotonics GmbH has announced Transmission & Component Design Suite Version 9.5, a simulation and analysis environment for optical components and transmission systems.
New capabilities include a new means for detailed multimode fiber modeling with consideration of linear dispersive effects, self-phase, intermodal and intramodal cross-phase modulation caused by the Kerr nonlinearity. A new macro applies typical parameter values of OM1, OM2, OM3 or OM4 fibers in accordance with ISO standards.
The software supports binary Zemax beam files to describe an optical beam and calculate the coupling coefficients between the beam and a multimode fiber or waveguide. Accurate accounting is made for the spectral dependence of the fiber index profile by the fiber mode solver, significantly improving differential group delay calculations.
Published: June 2015
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