Polymerase Chain Reaction Filters
AlluxaRequest Info
The Ultra Series qPCR series of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) filters from Alluxa Inc. feature optical characteristics to improve the speed and efficiency of real-time quantitative PCR testing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The ultra-steep qPCR-specific filters can be integrated into medical equipment to perform COVID-19 testing of patient samples. They feature >OD6 blocking of the band, along with center wavelength tolerances of <±0.3% with high transmission levels and a passband average of >95%.
The filters aid in the fluorescent detection of the virus and cover most common fluorophores for single and multiplexed qPCR filters including FAM, Cy5, HEX, JOE, ROX, TexasRed, and TRITC.
Published: May 2020
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