Ti:Sapphire Laser
RadiantisRequest Info
Radiantis Light SL has announced the Blaze laser, combining a pump laser and a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) into a single housing.
The off-the-shelf product incorporates both a Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:sapphire oscillator and an IR OPO. Four output ports are featured, delivering the signal across 1000 and 1550 nm, the idler across 1620 to 4000 nm, the Ti:sapphire at 800 nm and the pump at 532 nm.
The Blaze also incorporates dedicated control software, enabling users to select the desired output using a single PC. To ensure the shortest pulse durations across the spectral range, an advanced dynamic dispersion compensation module allows independent optimization of the pulse duration for different wavelengths.
Applications include multiphoton microscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy.
Published: November 2015
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