Photonics Media Featured Video Submission Form
Thank you for contracting for a featured video. The package includes promotion of your video on and a featured spot in one of our e-newsletters. Please use this form to submit production details, and then submit your video file separately using the instructions below.
* Video Title:
* Company Name:
* Your name:
* Your email:
Write the summary text for your video ad (50-75 words). This summary will be used on and in the newsletter when your video is featured:
Send Your Video File:
For best results, videos should be approximately 3 minutes long. Please send the original high definition video file to
[email protected], or if your video appears on YouTube, please provide the YouTube URL in the comments field below.
Additional comments/instructions:
When you submit this form, you are authorizing Photonics Media to publish this information in our publications and on our website, and to email you requests for more information from our readers and website visitors. You also agree that Photonics Media may contact you with information related to your submission, and that you have read and accept our
Privacy Policy and
Terms and Conditions of Use.
* required