Tuesday, February 14, 2023 |
Currently, Fourier transform spectroscopy most often involves large benchtop devices that measure in the infrared (IR). However, recent innovations have simultaneously shrunk the technology and unlocked its operation at wavelengths through the visible range. Alex Barker of NIREOS shares how a common-path visible interferometer functions, as well as the counterintuitive ways in which it differs from a dispersion-based spectrometer.
In a short time, these instruments have been used for a startling variety of spectroscopic experiments, such as time-resolved fluorescence, pump-probe spectroscopy, and stimulated Raman scattering. Using these examples, Barker demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages that common-path visible interferometers provide.
Who should attend:
Engineers, R&D scientists, and manufacturers who utilize interferometry in their work. Those who are interested in expanding their knowledge about Fourier transform spectroscopy. Those in industries such as aerospace, automotive, communications, energy, medicine, nanotechnology, ophthalmology, and semiconductors.
About the presenter:
Alex Barker is senior product engineer at NIREOS in Milan, Italy, where he develops new devices for Fourier transform spectroscopy. He has over 10 years of experience developing and applying spectroscopic methods in academic research labs in New Zealand and Italy, with a focus on studying photophysical processes in emerging photovoltaic materials such as organic semiconductors and halide perovskites.
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
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