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Plasmonics could allow manipulation of smallest particles yet

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Ashley N. Rice, [email protected]

Optical tweezers could become extremely dexterous at manipulating incredibly tiny particles if a new theoretical design based on plasmonics becomes a reality. Optical tweezers have been an invaluable tool for the biological and physical sciences. They allow researchers to trap and move nanoscale objects – like viruses and bacteria – just like the tweezers found in most bathrooms. However, to successfully trap and manipulate something with light, the object must be around the same size as the wavelength of the light being used, usually on the order of 400 nm. The aperture...Read full article

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    Published: March 2013
    optical tweezers
    Optical tweezers refer to a scientific instrument that uses the pressure of laser light to trap and manipulate microscopic objects, such as particles or biological cells, in three dimensions. This technique relies on the momentum transfer of photons from the laser beam to the trapped objects, creating a stable trapping potential. Optical tweezers are widely used in physics, biology, and nanotechnology for studying and manipulating tiny structures at the microscale and nanoscale levels. Key...
    The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The science includes light emission, transmission, deflection, amplification and detection by optical components and instruments, lasers and other light sources, fiber optics, electro-optical instrumentation, related hardware and electronics, and sophisticated systems. The range of applications of photonics extends from energy generation to detection to communications and...
    AmericasAmr SalehBasic ScienceBiophotonicsBioScanCaliforniadiffraction limitJennifer Dionnelight aperturematerial assemblymolecular building blocksNewsOptical trappingoptical tweezersOpticsparticle manipulationparticle trappingphotonicsplasmonic optical tweezersplasmonic trapStanford School of EngineeringTest & Measurement

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