Societies and Associations
AIM Global
Serves as the association and worldwide authority on automatic identification, data collection and networking in a mobile environment. Members are providers and users of technologies, systems and services that capture, manage and integrate accurate data into larger information systems. Serving more than 900 members in 43 countries, AIM is dedicated to accelerating the growth and use of automatic identification and mobility technologies and services around the world. AIM also has an active educational focus that provides accurate and unbiased information on AIDC technology, standards and applications. Publishes RFID Connections, the industry’s oldest and most respected e-newsletter on RFID as part of its educational outreach.
125 Warrendale-Bayne Rd., Ste. 100
Warrendale, PA 15806
AIM GlobaleducationsocietiesRFIDbarcodesAutomatic Identification and Mobility