DataRay Inc. - ISO 11146-Compliant Laser Beam Profilers
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85 terms

Photonics Dictionary: R

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radio-frequency light source
A very uncommon lamp in which a tungsten electrode is heated to incandescence by a radio-frequency electrical current.
reflected light meter
An exposure meter that indicates the amount of light reflected from the subject of interest.
resonance absorption (light)
The re-emission of absorbed energy, having the same wavelength as the incident energy, in an arbitrary direction from a particle because of an energy level transition within the material.
A circular lamp or bundles of optical fibers placed around the perimeter of an objective lens to illuminate the object field below it.
radial astigmatism
The astigmatism in a lens system that results when light enters the system at an oblique angle.
radial gradient
In gradient index optics, a gradient profile in which the index varies in a direction perpendicular to the optical axis. Radial gradient lenses can focus light even when the lens surfaces are flat,...
radiant energy
The energy passed on as electromagnetic radiation; e.g., radio, heat or light waves.
radiation angle
Half the vertex angle of the cone of light emitted by a fiber.
rainbow hologram
Essentially, a hologram of a hologram, in which the first-generation hologram is masked with a narrow slit. During image reconstruction, the slit operates as the exit pupil in image space. The...
Raman absorption
The absorption of part of the photon energy by a molecule through which there is a slight energy change and the energy balance moves on.
Raman fiber probe
A flexible fiber cable with a small diameter that transports light from the excitation laser to the target. Used in Raman spectroscopy, the probe is capable of obtaining high-quality data at high...
Raman laser -> Raman scattering
Raman scattering, also known as the Raman effect or Raman spectroscopy, is a phenomenon in which light undergoes inelastic scattering when interacting with matter, such as molecules, crystals, or...
Raman scattering -> Raman scattering
Raman scattering, also known as the Raman effect or Raman spectroscopy, is a phenomenon in which light undergoes inelastic scattering when interacting with matter, such as molecules, crystals, or...
Raman scattering
Raman scattering, also known as the Raman effect or Raman spectroscopy, is a phenomenon in which light undergoes inelastic scattering when interacting with matter, such as molecules, crystals, or...
Raman shifter
A device that changes the frequency of light by inducing the Raman effect on a beam passing through it.
Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is a technique used in analytical chemistry and physics to study vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency modes in a system. Named after the Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman...
randomized fiber optic cable
Fiber optic cable in which the arrangement of fibers within the bundle has been made random so that output light will be uniformly distributed and not relay the image of the light source at the input...
rare earth dopants
Rare earth dopants refer to elements from the lanthanide series, also known as rare earth elements, that are intentionally introduced into the crystal lattice of a material to modify its properties....
rare gas halide laser -> excimer laser
An excimer laser is a type of ultraviolet laser that emits short pulses of light in the ultraviolet spectrum. The term excimer is derived from excited dimer, reflecting the nature of the gain medium...
rare-earth elements
Rare-earth elements (REEs) are a group of seventeen chemical elements found in the Earth's crust, characterized by their unique properties and scarcity relative to other elements. Despite their name,...
Raster scanning
Raster scanning is a technique used in imaging and scanning systems to systematically capture and process information from a two-dimensional area or surface. It involves moving a sensor or scanning...
A geometric representation of a light path through an optical device; a line normal to the wavefront indicating the direction of radiant energy flow.
ray tracing
Ray tracing is a rendering technique used in computer graphics to simulate the way light interacts with objects in a scene. It involves tracing the path of rays of light as they travel through a...
Rayleigh criterion of resolving power
When a lens system with a circular aperture is free of aberrations, the image of a point object will appear as a disc of finite size surrounded by concentric rings. When two points are separated such...
Rayleigh interferometer
A device that is used to determine the index of refraction of a gas or liquid through the interference patterns formed by two beams of light, one of which has been transmitted by the sample. A single...
Rayleigh prism
A prism system designed to produce a very high dispersion of light.
Rayleigh scattering
Rayleigh scattering is a phenomenon that occurs when light waves interact with particles or molecules that are much smaller than the wavelength of the light. It is named after the British scientist...
read-out integrated circuit
A read-out integrated circuit (ROIC) is an electronic device used in imaging systems, particularly in infrared (IR) and other sensing technologies. It is designed to interface with an array of...
real holographic image -> conjugate holographic image
Also known as real holographic image. The indistinct, highly distorted image produced on the side of the hologram closest to the observer, in addition to the primary image. When the location of the...
reciprocity failure -> Bunsen-Roscoe law
The law stating that the amount of chemical change produced is proportional to the amount of light absorbed. Actually, the change is also dependent on the intensity of light -- a fact named the...
reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer
A reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) is a key component in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) optical communication networks. It allows for flexible and dynamic routing of...
reconstructed image
An image that appears when a hologram is illuminated by a suitable light source, generally a laser beam.
rectilinear propagation
Straight line travel. This denotes the fact that light travels in a straight line when traveling through a medium with a constant refractive index.
red, green, blue
RGB stands for red, green, blue, which are the primary colors of light used in additive color mixing. The RGB color model is widely used in various electronic displays, such as computer monitors,...
The displacement of spectrum lines, as determined by the increasing distance between, and the relative velocity of, the observer and a light source, causing the lines to move toward the red portion...
reduced focal length
The ratio of the first focal length of a lens to the refractive index of the medium containing the incident light; the ratio of the second focal length to the refractive index of the medium...
reference beam
In holography, the beam of light that is directed from the beamsplitter to the recording medium, where it interferes with the object beam to generate the hologram.
reference white
The light from a nonselective diffuse reflector due to the standard illumination of the scene to be televised.
reflectance confocal microscopy
Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows for high-resolution, in vivo imaging of biological tissues at the cellular level. It is particularly useful in...
reflected ray
The light ray leaving a reflecting surface, indicating the path of light after reflection.
reflecting galvanometer
A galvanometer having a small mirror that is mounted on a moving element and that reflects a light beam onto a scale.
reflecting prism
A prism having several plane polished surfaces, some to transmit light, some to reflect light, and some to serve both functions in succession. It acts generally as a group of plane mirrors held in a...
reflection grating
A reflection grating is an optical component that consists of a series of closely spaced, parallel reflecting surfaces or grooves. These grooves are typically ruled or etched onto a flat substrate or...
reflection reduction coating
The thin, transparent film made up of specific substances applied to glass-air surfaces for the purpose of decreasing the amount of reflected light.
reflection x-ray microscopy
A means of high resolution study through the application of soft and hard x-rays onto a sample surface in order to obtain image information from 1-10 nm layers and surfaces. The x-ray source emission...
reflective heat mirror -> diathermic mirror
A mirror coated to reflect cold (white) light while transmitting hot (infrared) energy.
reflective spectroscopy
Reflectance spectroscopy is a technique used to analyze the reflective properties of materials across various wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. By measuring the reflectance of light from a...
The term reflective is an adjective that describes the ability of a surface or material to reflect light or other forms of radiation. It implies the capability of bouncing back or redirecting...
reflector lamp
A lamp used in projection that is made with a reflector built into the bulb, normally by coating a portion of its interior with a reflective material to ensure the reflector's optimum position in...
refracted ray
A light ray that has had its direction altered because of its traversing an air-to-glass interface at some angle. In an optical waveguide, a ray that is refracted from the core into the cladding.

Photonics DictionaryR

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