Universities and Research Centers
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
The University of Alabama in Huntsville offers multiple degree paths leading to the MS and Ph.D. in optics. The Ph.D. program in Optical Science and Engineering (OSE) was established at UAH in 1992. This unique program is multi-disciplinary and begins with a core of basic physics and optics, followed by a wide variety of advanced coursework and research in both fundamental and applied subjects. The program spans great diversity, moving from the fundamental physics of light and its interaction with matter to the design and development of new optical systems for a wide variety of applications in quantum optics, high-energy lasers, electron optics, optical sensors/displays, and space-based telescopes.
Optical Science & Engineering Program
Physics Department
301 Sparkman Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35899
optics and photonics technologyoptical science and engineeringastrophysical opticscomputer-generated holographydiffractive/micro-opticsfiber optics/fiber optic sensorsholographyLaserslaser-induced plasmaimage processinglens designmedical optics/medical image processingnon- linear opticsoptical communicationsoptical fabrication/optical system designoptical testing/metrologyopto-mechanical engineeringoptical processingpolarizationradiometryremote sensingsemiconductor optical-device modelingsolid-state opticsspectroscopyspeckle interferometry/metrologyStatistical OpticsOptics