event calendar sponsors
International Conference on Laser, Optics and Photonics
August 23, 2018 - August 25, 2018Holiday Inn Paris
Allied Academies
About this Event
With the theme of "Exploring the boundless escalation in Laser, Optics and Photonics" International Conference and Expo on Laser, Optics and Photonics enables its participants to network with leaders in the field of laser technology and share their newest research trends. Topics will include: laser systems, fiber laser technology, laser safety, surface enhanced spectroscopy, optical imaging and sensing, advancements in photonics, optics and lasers in medicine, technologies in lasers, optics and photonics, and more.
International Conference on Laser, Optics and PhotonicsIndustry EventsEuropeBiophotonicsCommunicationsfiber opticsImagingindustrialLasersMicroscopynanoOpticsspectroscopy