382 terms
Photonics Dictionary: I
Clear All Filters xI x
IADion-assisted deposition
IBAinhomogeneously broadened absorber
IBADion-beam-assisted deposition
IBCintegrated broadband communications
IBEinert ion-beam etching
IBSion-beam sputtering
ICintegrated circuit
ICCInternational Color Consortium
ICCDintensified charge-coupled device
Iceland sparAlso called calcite. A natural hexagonal crystal of calcium carbonate. It cleaves readily into rhomboids useful in the study of polarized light.
ICFinertial confinement fusion
ICOInternational Commission for Optics
iconometerAn instrument in which an object's image, produced by a lens of known focal length, is used to determine the object's distance from the instrument when its size is known, or the object's size if the...
iconoscopeA camera tube that employs a high-velocity electron beam to scan a photoemissive mosaic and to store electrical charge patterns.
ICPinduction-coupled plasma
IDinside diameter
IDCAintegrated Dewar cooler assembly
IDDSintegrated double differentiated sampling
ideal crystalA crystal that is devoid of any mosaic structure and that can reflect x-rays, relative to the Darwin-Ewald-Prins law.
ideal filterAny filter in which the range of frequencies within a chosen radius suffers no attenuation and the range of frequencies outside the radius is entirely attenuated.
ideal polarization rotatorA theoretical instrument conceived of as a box that receives a beam of radiation of any arbitrary polarization angle and produces a new beam, coaxial with the incident beam, having a specified new...
ideal radiator -> blackbodyAn ideal body that completely absorbs all radiant energy striking it and, therefore, appears perfectly black at all wavelengths. The radiation emitted by such a body when heated is referred to as...
IDEMAInternational Disk Drive Equipment and Materials Association
identification friend or foe systemA system that transmits and receives identification codes to facilitate the discrimination between enemy and friend in a tactical situation.
idiochromaticPertaining to the possession of photoelectric characteristics as a result of the properties of the true crystal and not of foreign materials.
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IEDincident energy density
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IESIlluminating Engineering Society
IFintermediate frequency
IFESSintegrated flight entertainment and service system
IFFidentification friend or foe
IFOGinterferometric fiber optic gyroscope
IFOVinstantaneous field of view
IGESInitial Graphic Exchange Specification
IGORintercept ground optical recorder
IHADSSintergrated helmet and display sight system
IIEInstitute of Industrial Engineers
III-V materialIn semiconductor physics and materials science, the term "III-V materials" refers to compounds composed of elements from group III and group V of the periodic table. More specifically, these...
IIRimaging infrared
ILinsertion loss
ILANindustrial local area network
ILDinjection laser diode
ILDAInternational Laser Display Association
illuminanceLuminous flux incident per unit area of a surface; luminous incidence. (The use of the term "illumination" for this quantity conflicts with its more general meaning.)
illuminantSource of radiation defined or specified by its spectral power distribution.
illuminant metamerismMetamerism that occurs when the light source is changed.
illuminatedCharacteristic of a surface or object that has luminous flux incident upon it.
Photonics DictionaryI